What is Turbulence?

Another reason for bumpy air…

Clear Air Turbulence

Sometimes called “CAT”, this kind of turbulence is very hard to detect. There are no clouds to show us where the bumps might be. This kind of bumpy air is invisible.

This is why you MUST wear your seatbelt when sitting down, even if the seatbelt sign is turned off!

Sometimes if we are flying in the “bumpy layer” we can find smooth air by flying HIGHER or LOWER. Sometimes the bumpy layer is just too thick and we will be in bumpy air for the whole flight.


Author: Turb Coriolis

A Captain with Junior Flyer for many years, Turb has some dietary issues which can tend to offend those sitting next to him. Other than that, he loves aviation and sharing his knowledge with anyone who will listen.

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