Replicating Ancient Aircraft (podcast)

Boxkite at Pt. Cook
The magnificent aviators of the early days were amazingly courageous, launching themselves into the blue yonder on fragile contraptions made of sticks, cloth and wire. We have photos of their aircraft and, in some cases, actual examples of their aircraft in museums… but how can we ever know what they flew like? You’re going to have to build one!
One of our favourite aviation podcasts, PlaneCrazyDownUnder, has recently produced an episode in which they interview several people who are building, or have built and flown, 1910 vintage aircraft. Hear the stories of the builders and the pilots. Learn what a 1910 Curtiss Pusher aircraft actually is like to fly!
Like most of the episodes they put out, Plane Crazy’s “Replicate This!” episode is filled with interesting interviews and stories from around the aviation world. Highly recommended!
If you haven’t listened to PlaneCrazyDownUnder yet, they are an Australian based podcast which produces free downloadable radio-style discussions of a whole range of interesting aviation topics, done in a good-ol’ Aussie way. It’s like having a whole radio show devoted entirely to cool stuff (aviation!), without all that boring junk in between. They put out a new episode every couple of weeks and the best part is… You don’t have to be an Aussie to enjoy it!