How Cold is it Outside?

So how cold are we talking here?


Cold enough to keep your peas frozen. Yep, but colder than this.


Typically, the temperature outside a jet plane at cruise level could be as cold as -65 degrees Celcius! That would keep anybody’s peas frozen.

Why is it so cold out there?

It is to do with how high jet planes fly. Have a look at the picture on the next page for a clue…


Author: Hector Pascal

Hector loves the weather. He is particularly interested in how weather affects aviation, and he provides detailed analysis of how the weather may impact Junior Flyer flights. One of the best things about being a meteorologist, according to Hector, is that other people think he has some kind of psychic ability, but really it is just old fashioned science. Best of all, however, is that he can wear whatever kind of zany shirts he likes when he goes to work.

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