Dragons of Thin Air – Fear of Flying book

After a long time in the making our Fear of Flying self-help book has finally been released!

It’s called Dragons of Thin Air – A Most Unusual Fear of Flying Course, a long but accurate title.

Some of the material in this book is based on stuff that started it’s life right here on Junior Flyer!  Some of the clear, illustrated explanations we put up about how planes work, etc. are exactly what people need to learn.

The book also has a story, introducing a scallywag dragon called Felix who, despite normally causing fear in humans, has decided to help a family of fearful flyers.  He takes the Walker family through a fun but somewhat unusual fear of flying course that he has just invented, covering a wide range of topics and providing insights, observations and skills that can help those afraid to fly.

We’ve built a website to go with the book, if you’d like to take a look… at www.dragonsofthinair.com you’ll find info about the book along with a bunch of links to Fear of Flying courses and resources from around the world.

If you are a nervous flyer, or know somebody who is, I recommend taking a look at Dragons of Thin Air!

(Dragons of Thin Air is available at Amazon.com and Amazon.co.uk)


Author: Turb Coriolis

A Captain with Junior Flyer for many years, Turb has some dietary issues which can tend to offend those sitting next to him. Other than that, he loves aviation and sharing his knowledge with anyone who will listen.

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