Air Pressure

If you’ve had a look at Carrie’s Safety Demonstration topic you will have seen this picture, which shows that the air is more dense at ground level.

More dense means: more air is packed into a given space.

This is simply because the weight of the air above pushes down on the air below, squashing the air molecules closer together. As we go higher there is less air above, so it is less packed together, less dense and lower pressure.

Eh? What is Air Pressure?


Author: Thursten Master

Thursten, or "Thrust" as he prefers to be called, is our resident technical genius. This is not a term used lightly... he really does have a brain the size of a planet and he solves a myriad of tricky problems for us. Thrust is particularly interested in the science of flight and, unlike many large-brain academics, is very good at explaining science in terms that normal people can understand.

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